Here are some tips to help you get most out of these resources.

• As we all know the quote "Rome wasn't built in a day", learning new things take time and I know it's overwhelming at the start but think of it as you're going to learn something new, be curious, experiment with things, ask questions on Twitter and build cool things.

• Be consistent, as it is the only way to succeed. Make it a habit of coding every day, even if it is for 30 mins just make sure you code every day. As coding requires creative thinking and if you skip learning for a long period of time eventually you'll forget everything.

• Focus on one thing at a time. It is the tough to learn while multitasking. Try to code with complete focus, If you get distracted by constant notifications from your phone keep it away atleast for few hours or use learning techniques like Pomodoro timer to boost your productivity. It's always better to code for 3 hours with complete focus rather than 6 hours distracted.

• It's completely fine if you don't understand something, sometimes it's not the best time to learn that concept instead of forcing your brain to learn it take a break, go for a walk or watch something you like and then come back and probably you're mind will be free and it'll be more easier to understand it.

• Don't get stuck in tutorial hell, let me explain to you what tutorial hell is. Tutorial hell is when you just keep watching tutorials and not implementing what you learn and you can't build anything without the help of a tutorial, so basically you're just copying the code of the creator.

If you want to escape the tutorial hell, here is an amazing blog written by my friend Vlad 👉

• Don't compare yourself to others. It's not a race, and if you think it as a race you would just be discouraged. Instead of comparing yourself with them, take it as an encouragement and DM them, appreciate them for the work they are doing and seek help from them, you'll get to learn a lot.

• Write clean code, write code that not only computer understands but also humans can read, this is very important if you're working in a corporate world. If you want to know more about you need to follow my friend Daniel Moka on Twitter.

• Get yourself out there, posting what you're working on, what you're learning, or your experience learning new technology on Twitter, this brings in a lot of opportunities and you get to network with a lot of amazing people and learn from them. Give back to the community by posting tips and also helping fellow developers who are just starting out. Creating a personal brand is very important.

• Take breaks when you don't feel like coding, burnouts are for real, and don't take it lightly, I have gone through it and wasted almost 2 weeks without doing anything, it also affects your mental health. It's better to avoid it and take a break.