What is functions ?

Functions are one of the most used language features, not just in JavaScript function in almost all the languages. Functions are used when we want to repeat a particular action for many number times ie: reusable code.

Writing a function in JavaScript is very simple. You can either use the function declaration syntax using the function keyword or a function expression syntax that returns a new function.


function funcName() { code };


function sayHi(name){
sayHi("Kaarthik"); // logs kaarthik in to console

Every function will gives us a value in back we can either log that in console or we can use the value using return keyword.

return result;

In the below function, we are just adding the two values a & b and capturing the value into new variable result via return statement.

function sum(a, b) {
	return a + b;
// We're saving the value into new variable
const result = sum(1,2);

// logging the value