
Related to the section before, here I talk about 8 CSS properties you should learn first so you can start building your projects as soon as possible.

1. Display

This property specifies the display behavior of an element.

The most important values: block, inline, inline-block and none.


2. Width and Height

These 2 properties are used to set the height and width of an element.

They can have the following values: auto, length, %, initial or inherit.


3. Margin and Padding

These 2 dictate the spaces between elements on your website.

Margins affect the area outside of borders whereas paddings affect areas inside the border.


4. Border

This one is pretty much self self explanatory, it specifies what kind of border to display.

A few if the values that are allowed: solid, none, hidden, dotted, double.


5. Floats

This property is used for positioning and formatting content on your website.