
If you're just starting you most likely use Visual Studio Code as your IDE and I want to show you 7 extensions the can increase your productivity.

1. Live Server

This extension is a must-have if you work with websites

It will launch a development local server with a live reload feature for static and dynamic pages.

That means that you no longer need to reload every time you make a change

2. Prettier

It is an opinionated code formatter

Prettier enforces a consistent style by:

3. Auto Close Tag

This is an extension that will save you a lot of time when working with HTML.

All you need to do is create the first tag and this will automatically the close tag.

4. Auto Rename Tag

This is another extension that will save you time when working with HTML.

When you'll change the name of one tag, this will automatically change the name of the paired one too.

5. Bracket Pair Colorizer

This extension will save you a lot of headaches when working with a programming language like JavaScript.

It will allow matching brackets to be identified with different colors.