In this Section, You can find some of the important YouTube channels every developer should know.

  1. Brackeys Visit This channel is the god channel for game developers, they made super amazing videos about game development in unity to making music for games. Unfortunately, Brackeys don't make new videos now but there is more than enough content and material for you to learn about game development from start to finish.

2.codeSTACKr Visit

They make amazing content for developers, mainly web developers. Their tutorials are generally about web development and include coding languages such as HTML, CSS, JavaScript, Python, and PHP. Their new video comes every week.

3.FreeCodeCamp Visit

Everybody knows about freecodecamp, but if you don't, they are a non-profit organization making free programming tutorials, they already have a website which is pretty cool but if you want to learn through videos their YouTube channel has tutorials of almost every language you want to learn.

4.Programming with Mosh Visit

He is the one from which I personally learnt python when I was a beginner. His content is not less than a paid course. He makes tutorials about python, JavaScript and C Sharp. I 100% recommend all beginners who want to get started with programming.

5.Coder Coder Visit

She is an amazing web developer. She makes videos about web development both frontend as well as backend. She recently quit her job to make amazing YouTube tutorials for free for everyone. Her videos also have pretty high production quality than most of the others because of her husband.

6.The Net Ninja Visit

They make amazing video tutorials mainly focusing on web development. The main language they focus on are - Modern JavaScript, Node.js, React , Vue.js, Firebase , MongoDB , HTML & CSS, PHP & MySQL, Laravel ,React Native , Flutter. This huge list contains altogether more than 1000 tutorials.

7.Program With Erik Visit