Communities like the ones in our chart provide “room” for asking the right questions, and more often than not, people will be eager to help you, offer advice and different perspectives on how to tackle your bugs.

Here are the top 10 servers that I personally love,

  1. 4C by @FrancescoCiull4
  2. BuildUpdevs by @dhanishjagir & @clarkio
  3. PoppersFamily by @florinPop
  4. Commit Your Code by @dannythompson
  5. Learn Build Tech by @jamesQQuick
  6. Kevin Powell Community by @kevinPowell
  7. Devsters by @jatinrao
  8. by @longinteger
  9. IntaZeal by @shrutiNarwani & @naina
  10. Hashnode by Hashnode

PS: You can find the link for servers in their bio :D