In this section you can find color tools and resources for all kinds of projects, from all types of color palettes and generators to getting contrast and gradients just right for your projects. This collection is by no means complete, but rather a selection of things that the team at Smashing found useful and hope will make your day-to-day work more productive and efficient.

<aside> 🔥 Special Mention: by **Csaba ( FullStackWebdev)**


1. A Super-Fast Color Schemes Generator

Do you need to create a color palette? A handy tool to help you do this — and more — is Coolors. At the heart of Coolors is a sleek color palette generator: To start off, it suggests you a random palette that you can adjust by playing with shades or, if you prefer, change it completely by introducing new colors.

Link :

2. Overly Descriptive Color Palettes

Have you ever considered combining snail-paced soft pink with unsealed mahogany and lousy watermelon as a color scheme for your next project? Well, what might sound a bit weird at first, is the concept behind, a color inspiration site with “overly descriptive color palettes”, as its creator Adam Fuhrer describes it.

Link :

3. Monochromatic Color Palettes Made Easy

If you’ve ever tried to generate a consistent monochromatic color palette, you know that this can be a boring task. After he once again messed around with infinite copy-paste commands to create a nice palette, Dimitris Raptis decided to change that.

Link :

4. Color Scales For Data Visualizations

Different kinds of data visualizations have different needs when it comes to color. When you’re designing pie charts, grouped bar charts, or maps, for example, it might be a good idea to choose a series of colors that are visually equidistant. This ensures that they can be easily distinguished and compared to the key. The Data Color Picker powered by Learn UI Design helps you create such visually equidistant palettes based on two endpoint colors that you specify.

Link :

5. Real-World Color Palette Inspiration

There are a lot of fantastic sites out there that help you find inspiring color palettes. However, once you have decided on a palette you like, the biggest question is still left unanswered: How should you apply the colors to your design? Happy Hues is here to help. Link :

6. Color Shades Generator

Another useful tool for dealing with color is the color shades generator that Vitaly Rtishchev and Vlad Shilov built. You can enter a hex value and the tool will show you a series of lighter and darker shades.

Link :

7. Color Made Simple