In this section you can find 10 coding challenge website that I use everyday, these sites really helped me to grasp the concepts by solving many problems.

1. CodeWars

Codewars is where developers achieve code mastery through challenge. Train on kata in the dojo and reach your highest potential.

Link :

2. Codewell

Improve your HTML and CSS skills by practicing on real-world design templates.

Link :

3. CodinGame

CodinGame is a challenge-based training platform for programmers where you can improve your coding skills with fun exercises (25+ languages supported).

Link :

4. HackerRank

HackerRank is the market-leading technical assessment and remote interview solution for hiring developers. Link :

5. CoderByte

Challenge yourself to code and interview better. Link :

6. LeetCode

Enhance your skills, expand your knowledge and prepare for technical interviews. Link :

7. Sphere Online Judge

SPOJ is an online judge system with over 315,000 registered users and over 20,000 problems. Tasks are prepared by its community of problem setters or are taken from previous programming contests. Link :

8. FrontendMentors