I personally love below blog writers and I suggest you to go through their blogs, This contains blogs based on softwareEngineering, webdevelopment and much more.

  1. Tech with catalin by @catalinpit
  2. OliverJumpertz by @Oliver
  3. Marko Denic by @markoDenic
  4. Adrian Twarog by @adrian_twarog
  5. GreenRootsBlog by @tapasAdhikary
  6. Ayushi Rawat Blog by @ayushi7rawat
  7. Articles By Victoria by @victoria
  8. Faheem's Blog by @faheem_khan_dev
  9. LCO by @hitesh
  10. The Trojan by @tyagi

ShamlessPlug :

I do write blogs about webDevlopment, mental health and more, Do check my blog